Horizontal Carousels
Horizontal Carousels consist of horizontally rotating shelves delivering items while increasing order picking substantially, more efficient than traditional methods. They are low-maintenance and durable, suitable for a wide variety of warehousing and distribution applications.
Vertical Carousels
Vertical Carousels consist of rotating shelves that move up or down on response to your commands, delivering items while increasing picking order accuracy substantially more efficient than traditional methods. They are low-maintenance, durable, and they reduce floor space, which speeds up the manufacturing process.
This vertical means of dispersal can be used for a wide variety of warehousing and distribution implementations such as manufacturing point of use, secure inventory storage, and material control or floorspace. Vertical carousels help by bringing material to the floor level, eliminating time associated with walking and searching for product.
Conesco buys and sells new and used warehouse equipment. If you are looking to buy carousels or sell carousels in a liquidation, you have come to the right place. We are looking to buy and sell your warehouse equipment.