We are looking to purchase your material handling equipment.
Contact the warehouse expert below if you have the material they need
Craig Fasching (952) 933-3246 [email protected] needs:
(1,300) Tear Drop Uprights 42” x 20’
(12,000) Tear Drop Beams 96” x 3,500# cap
Tom Rodgers (952) 923-2067 [email protected] needs:
(9,000) Pallet Positions of 2 Dee X 5 High Pushback
Dana Nichols (972) 234-2555 [email protected]
(207) Tear Drop Uprights: 42” x 22-24’, 3×3
Brian Fisher (720) 923-1965 [email protected] needs-
In the East Coast area:
(144) Ridg-u-Rak uprights 42” deep x 27’ – 28’ tall
(6,680) Pallet Supports for 42” deep system
(468) Row Spacers 18” for Ridg-u-Rak system
(12) Keystone/Republic uprights 42” deep x 27’ – 28’ tall
(300) Row Spacers 18” for Keystone/Republic
In Colorado:
(5) 84” wide x 10’ sticks of gravity conveyor – Colorado customer
Ryan Dishnow (303) 717-3079 [email protected] needs:
100’ MDR conveyor 24” wide ( belt driven) with 180 degree curve and 1 right angle
Matt Eymann (720) 739-5720 [email protected] needs:
(1) Vertical Baler
Devon Fitzgerald (720) 465-6682 [email protected] needs:
(150) rolling carts